AÑASCO, Puerto Rico, July 31, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The law firms of Shepherd, Smith, Edwards & Kantas, LLP (SSEK Law Firm) and Verónica Irizarry, LLC are hosting a free seminar on Saturday, August 3rd from 2pm to 4pm at La Bodega de Méndez in Añasco. Please come and join our attorneys for coffee, wine, appetizers and conversation. Attorneys Kirk Smith and Verónica Irizarry will be there to answer all your questions. The program is designed to reach out to investors on the West side of Puerto Rico, who have often been neglected, and discuss their options to potentially recover investment losses from brokerage firms such as UBS Puerto Rico, Santander Securities, Popular Securities, Oriental Securities and others. Our firms have been on the island for more than five years and have represented hundreds of Puerto Rican investors who wrongfully lost the money entrusted to brokers and brokerage firms who their concentrated clients in these dangerous bonds and funds. We will be able to discuss the status of the bonds, the related funds, and the cases that have been filed. We will also be happy to share our experiences with you and provide a free, no obligation consultation as to your particular situation to determine if we will be able to help.
Walk-ins are welcome, but we would prefer if you would call (787) 409-1516 to register.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
To contact via email:
Kirk Smith: ksmith@sseklaw.com
Verónica Irizarry: veronica@veronicairizarry.com
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